some dart etquette
Here you go some things to be aware of when playing. - Dart Games & Dart Rules, Etiquette
No Distractions:
Much like professional golfers making an important putt, dart players like no distractions while throwing. This means:
* Do not speak to the player who is shooting.
* Don't go "ooh" and "aah" with each dart that is thrown.
* Wait until all three darts have been thrown to say "good darts" or "right there".
* Do not make sudden movements in front of the shooter. Scorekeepers should remain statue-still while a player is throwing.
* Even better is to try to always stand behind the shooter outside his or her line of sight.
* Spectators should try to keep movement and noise to a minimum while a player is shooting.
* No one but the scorekeeper or a teammate should tell the shooter what has been hit.
* What has been hit should only be announced if the shooter asks.
* No one except a teammate, not even the scorekeeper, should ever tell the player what to hit next.
Score Your Darts Before You Pull Them:
This can avoid many arguments. If you write down the score on the board before you pull the darts from the board, you can show your opponent what you threw if there is a discrepancy.
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