a weblog point for all sorts of information about Darts. winners loosers, techniques, games etc...

Saturday, July 08, 2006

closing out a double 1

Double one to close out ain't that hard.

you prob hit a single 2 and left with double 1 to win the game.

here is a tip.
you have to go from the bottom of the board to the top so your aim will be a little out.

start outside the double one,  a little high, then work your way down to double 1.

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Do You want to Improve Your Darts Game Out-a-sight, Free Mini E-Course

mastering darts - one word

Here's a tip from from George Silberzahn, author of "Mastering the Sport of Darts". "Your whole mental game can be summed up in one word: CONFIDENCE. If you know you can do it, you can do it. If you did it before, you can do it again!"

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Do You want to Improve Your Darts Game Out-a-sight, Free Mini E-Course